XV International Scientific and Technical Conference
«Low-temperature plasma in the processes of applying functional coatings»

Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 22-24 November 2023
About Conference
We invite you to take part in the XV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Low-temperature plasma in the processes of applying functional coatings". The conference will be held on November 22-24, 2023 on the basis of Kazan Federal University and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Every year in Kazan since 2009, the conference gathers leading scientists and specialists in physics and the application of low-temperature plasma from Russia, countries of the near and far abroad

The purpose of the conference is to create conditions for the unification of Russian and foreign scientists, engineers and technologists in solving fundamental and applied problems in the fields of research of functional coating processes, plasma dynamics, plasma chemistry, modification of materials by low-temperature plasma flows. A school for students, postgraduates and young scientists is held within the framework of the conference

(information mail)
Scientific Agenda
22-24 November 2023
Conference formats
Plenary reports
Sectional reports
Poster presentations
The Youth School

1. Physics of gas discharges
2. Physical processes in low-temperature plasma during the deposition of functional coatings
3. Thermodynamic, transfer and optical properties of low-temperature plasma in coating processes
4. Interaction of plasma and high-energy ion beams with a solid
5. Combustion processes and heat and mass transfer in multiphase media
6. Dusty plasma
7. Plasma chemistry. Electrochemistry
8. Diagnostics of low-temperature plasma
9. Characteristics of coatings obtained using low-temperature plasma
10. Application of ion-plasma coatings
Organization committee
Kashapov Nail, Dr. Eng. Sc., prof., corresponding member of AS RT

Kashapov Ramil, Cand. Eng. Sc.
Luchkin A.G., Cand. Eng. Sc.;
Semenova E.V., Cand. Eng. Sc.;
Fadeev S.A., Cand. Sc.;
Shajdullin L.R., Cand. Sc.;
Kashapov L.N., Cand. Eng. Sc.
Chebakova V.Yu., Cand. Sc.;
Programm committee:
Bayazitov R.M., Dr. Sc.
Bukharaev A.A., Dr. Sc., cor. member of AS RT
Gaisin F.M., Dr. Sc.

Gilmutdinov A. Kh., Dr. Sc.; of AS RT;

Gubaidullin D.A., Dr. Sc., cor. member of RAS
Ziganshin R.R., Dr. Sc.
Israfilov I.Kh., Dr. Sc.
Kashapov N.F., Dr. Sc., cor. member of AS RT
Kashapov R.N., Cand. Eng. Sc.
Timerkaev B.A., Dr. Sc.
Faizrakhmanov I.A., Dr. Sc.
Shaekhov M.F., Dr. Sc.
Tatarstan academy of sciences
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
Kazan National Research Technological University
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI
Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Kazan Federal University

The application for participation should include: first name, last name, address, date of birth, e-
mail address, academic status, academic degree, work place, position, report title

A collection of articles will be published based on the results of the conference. The article will be included in the collection, provided that it corresponds to the topic of the conference and will be indexed by the RSCI. According to the results of the conference, the best reports will be selected for publication in the Journal, indexed in the international databases.
The Youth School
Within the framework of the XV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Low-temperature plasma in the processes of applying functional coatings» the Youth School will be held.
Within the framework of the XV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Low-temperature plasma in the processes of applying functional coatings» the Youth School will be held. At the Youth School young researchers, post-graduate students and senior students will get acquainted with the scientific achievements in the Conference topics and also with unique laboratories and equipment of the Kazan University. They also will have a unique opportunity to improve their professional level and publish their scientific results in the proceedings

The scientific program of the Youth School provides for:

• Lectures of leading experts from the largest scientific centers of Russia and foreign universities;
• Youth sessions where young scientists will be able to deliver oral and poster presentations;
• Seminars with elements of a round table and public discussion;

Participants of the Youth School can be students of high courses, graduate student, Ph. D., young scientists, teachers and specialists under the age of 35 years.


XIV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Low-temperature plasma in the processes of applying functional coatings», 2022

Contact Information
+7 937 774-76-12
+7 909 314 22 00